Trees, c. 30 m high, dbh c. 60 cm; outer bark brown with numerous small pustular lenticels, inner bark streaked red brown on pale background, within yellow brown tinged with pink; wood pale. Branches densely short-tomentose; flowering twigs c. 2 mm in diam. Leaves 2-jugate; petiole 1.5-2 cm long; rachis 1.5-2 cm long, both ± terete, densely short-tomentose; petiolules 1-2 mm long, densely short-tomentose. Leaflets opposite, narrowly elliptic, slightly asymmetric, 6-11.5 by 2-4 cm, index 2.4-3, dark green above, rusty on the nerves below, thickly chartaceous, above thinly pilose, midrib more densely so, below rather densely pilose, midrib and nerves more densely so; base cuneate; apex acute; margin entire; midrib prominent above, nerves 9-10 per side, 5-14 mm apart, angle to midrib 45-50°, venation scalariform; domatia small pocket-like. Flowers not observed. Infructescences c. 5.5 cm long. Fruits green or tinged with pink, ± obovoid, almost circular in cross section, c. 17 by 14 mm, wall c. 2 mm thick, outside shortly appressed-hairy. Seeds not observed.