Small trees, 6-20 m high, dbh 3-6 cm; bark smoothish, grey to dark brown, inner bark red or mid-brown; wood straw or creamish. Branches glabrous to strigose; flowering twigs 2-5 mm in diam. Leaves 2-4-jugate; petiole 3.5-13.5 cm long; rachis 7-22 cm long, both terete, striate, strigose, glabrescent; petiolules (l-)5-15 mm long, short-hairy to glabrous. Leaflets elliptic, slightly asymmetric, 6.5-29 by 3.5-9.5 cm, index 1.5-3.5, mid o dark green above, paler below, chartaceous, a above and below glabrous, midrib with (few) short hairs; base cuneate to rounded; apex acute or acu-minate; margin entire; midrib (slightly) prominent above, nerves 10-17 per side, 5-22 mm apart, angle to midrib 50-70°, venation reticulate-scalar-iform; domatia if present pocket-like. Flowers c earn, not observed. Infructescences 4-9 cm long. Fruits pale (yellowish) green to red, blackish brown when old, globular to obovoid, triquetrous in cross section, distinctly keeled, 20-35 by 20-25 mm, wall 3.7-5.5 mm thick, outside glabrous or (thinly) stri-gose. Seeds ellipsoid to obovoid, 10-11 by 6-7 mm, sarcotesta rounded, covering ⅓-1/5 of the seed.