Leaves paripinnate; petiole and rhachis up to 25 cm. long, glabrous; leaflets up to 9 × 4 cm., opposite or subopposite, 3–5-jugate, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, suddenly contracted at the apex into a short acumen without a filiform tip, base of distal leaflets slightly asymmetric, upper surface glossy, lower surface glabrous except for a few minute hairs on midrib; petiolules slender, 1–2 (3·5) cm. long.
Capsule 14–16 × 3–3·5 cm., cylindric; apex pointed; valves black, sparsely lenticellate, not thickened at the apex, dehiscing from the base of the capsule; points of attachment of seeds to columella large and conspicuous, covered with cottony hairs.
Large semi-evergreen tree up to 35 m. tall; bole up to 20 m. tall and 1–5 m. in diameter, very slightly buttressed at the base; bark smooth, grey-brown, exfoliating in large, irregular pieces.
Flowers pale green, in rather lax axillary panicles up to 15 × 8 cm.; peduncles up to 6 cm. long; pedicels 2 mm. long, puberulous.
Calyx 1 mm. long, lobed to the middle, with teeth puberulous, especially on the margins.
Staminal tube 3–4 mm. long, glabrous outside, minutely puberulous at base inside.
Seeds (including wing) 7–8·5 × 1·5 cm.
Petals 5–7 mm. long, glabrous.