Slender, erect tree, the branchlets ferruginous-tomentulose or puberulent. Leaves moderate, twice-compound, 2-ranked, the leaflets very small; petioles mostly 2-3 cm. long, terete, ferruginous-tomentulose, bearing an ovoid, sessile gland on the upper surface more or less at the middle; rachis usually 6-20 cm. long, fer-ruginous-tomentulose, ridged above along the center, bearing a small prominence or gland between or just below insertion of all or most pairs of pinnae; pinnae generally about 20 pairs, opposite or subopposite, the pinnular rachis mostly 4-7 cm. long, bearing glands (hidden by leaflets) between insertion of the terminal 1 to few pairs of leaflets; leaflets many (about 60?) pairs per pinna, linear or linear-oblong, more or less falcate, only 2-4 mm. long, obliquely rounded basally, inequilaterally obtuse or acute apically, the costa excentric, glabrous above, pubes-cent below; stipules early caducous. Inflorescence of 1 to few pedunculate heads from several foliate or defoliate nodes of the terminal branchlets; peduncles about 2 cm. long, ferruginous-tomentulose; heads globular, about 1 cm. in diameter (in bud), many-flowered; bracts minute. Flowers small, sessile, whitish; calyx funnelform, about 2 mm. long, ferruginous-tomentulose without, valvate; corolla tubular-funnelform, about 4 mm. long, ferruginous-tomentulose without, valvate; stamens 10 (or more?), about 1 cm. long, the filaments united below for less than half their length into a short, included staminal tube; ovary pubescent, terete. Legume completely coiled upon itself into a circle about 5-7 cm. in diameter, compressed or almost flattened, 2-3 cm. wide, glabrous.
A tree. It grows 30 m high. The crown is flattened. The trunk is thick. The bark is almost colourless and has sticky sap. The twigs are angular and have a rusty coating. The leaves are compound. There are 12-18 pairs of leaflet stalks with 40-60 pairs of leaflets. They are leathery. The flower heads are in bundles. They are in the axils of leaves. They have a rusty coating. The fruit is a coiled pod. It is woody and 5-10 cm across. The pod is 2-3 cm wide. It is reddish brown and has veins across it. It is swollen over the seeds. There are many flat seeds. They are greenish and in a yellow pulp. The pulp is sweet and edible.
A subcanopy to canopy tree in rainforests, mainly in dense, primary formations in areas not subject to seasonal inundation, favouring well-drained, fertile, sandy soils that are rich in organic matter.
A tropical plant. It grows in rainforest and on ridges.
Can be grown by seedlings. Seeds needs soaking.