Small trees or shrubs, usually leafless at anthesis; twigs drying yellow, armed with spines to 0.8 cm long, moderately appressed pilose. Leaves with the terminal leaflets ovate lanceolate or rhombic ovate, 8-30 cm long, 4-15 cm wide, long acuminate apically, cuneate to truncate basally, chartaceous, sparsely pubescent to glabrous; petiolules to 0.8 cm long; petioles 10-15 cm long, to 0.3 cm wide, the spines occasional; rachises 2-3.5 cm long, pubescent; stipules narrowly lan-ceolate, to 2 cm long. Inflorescences ca. 15 cm long, densely villose above; bracts linear lanceolate, to 4 mm long and 1 mm wide. Flowers with the calyx campan-ulate, ca. 15 mm long and 9 mm wide apically, to 3 mm wide basally, conspicu-ously ventricose on the lower surface, chartaceous, puberulent or glabrous, thick-ened apically on the lower side, the teeth scarcely evident; standard subsessile, narrowly oblong, ca. 60 mm long and 12 mm wide, acute apically, cuneate basally, carnose, glabrous, the wing petals narrowly oblong, ca. II mm long and 4 mm wide, obtuse apically, petaloid, the claw scarcely measurable, the keel petals ca. 10 mm long and 5 mm wide medially, obliquely acute apically, obtuse basally, the claw inconspicuous; staminal sheath ca. 2.5 mm wide, the filaments to 20 mm long, the median anthers pubescent, the anthers 2-3 mm long; ovary stipitate for 17 mm, linear falcate, ca. 20 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, the hairs dense, soft, appressed, the style curved, ca. 17 mm long. Fruits subligneous, coiled and twisted when mature, conspicuously and irregularly undulate crenulate on the ventral side; seeds uniformly scarlet, soft, wrinkled when dry.