Stems 2–6 m long, dark brown to blackish, wiry, supported by short, unbranched roots. Panicles 80–150 mm long, each 10–30-flowered. Flowers 20–25bmm across, greenish yellow to brownish with a white labellum, fragrant. Floral segments 13–18 × 2–4 mm, smooth, fleshy, brittle. Dorsal sepal incurved. Lateral sepals obliquely deflexed, divergent, falcate. Petals obliquely erect, falcate. Labellum 9–12 × 4–7 mm, white, almost straight, 3-lobed; lateral lobes short, erect, entire; midlobe broad, with wavy or crinkled margins. Callus a central, hairy plate bordered by 2 rounded ridges. Capsules linear-terete, 100–200 × 10–15 mm.
Widespread and common; growing close to stumps, logs and other dead wood, including buried wood, that is at a suitable stage of decay, aerial stems climbing on living and dead hosts; plants often occur in exposed, sunny locations on slopes and in gullies in moist, open forest and woodland; in the absence of support, the stems scramble across the ground.