Large trees. Leaves rather large and coriaceous, entire in our species, usually not congested at the tips of the twigs. Flowers in subterminal or axillary panicles or racemes. Hypanthium obovoid. Calyx deeply 6-lobed, usually less than half adnate to the fruit in our species, becoming more or less prominently thickened in fruit or rarely (E. calyculata) retaining their coriaceous texture. Petals 6, more or less unequal (of abnormally thin texture in E. panamensis). Androphore strongly bilaterally symmetrical, produced into a prominent spirally involute staminodial posterior hood concealing the relatively few minute fertile stamens of the central disc. Ovary 2-celled, each with several nearly sessile erect basal ovules; stigma capitate and essentially entire, sessile or borne upon a prominent stylo-podium. Fruit a mediocre, woody or subcoriaceous, depressed-campanulate, dehiscent pyx, the seeds several, basal, sessile, thick and angulate, the embryo undifferentiated.