Small to medium sized resinous trees or shrubs with thin, light colored bark separating in flat, irregular plates. Leaves alternate, pseudopposite to rarely opposite, simple, or 1-5 foliolate, the leaflets variable, chartaceous to sub-coriaceous, pellucid-punctate, petiolate, glabrous to variously pubescent. Inflo-rescences terminal or upper axillary, paniculate, few to many flowered, often subglomerate, pedunculate. Flowers small, greenish white, bisexual, (4-) 5-merous, regular; calyx cupular, the lobes ovate, obtuse at the apex, imbricate in bud; stamens 5, free, all fertile, inserted at the base of the nectary, the filaments filiform, the anthers tiny, subcordate at the base; ovary globose, depressed on the top, 5-lobed, frequently covered with numerous tubercules, 5-locular, ovules 2 per locule, superimposed, the style filiform, the stigma 1 or 5 lobed. Capsules dry, capsular, subglobose to obovoid, composed of 5 carpids, each carpid with a small to conspicuous hornlike projection; seeds oblong to reniform, 1-2 per locule, the testa smooth to rugose.