Pseudostems 2--3 m. Ligule oblong, 6--13 mm, apex acuminate; petiole 0.5--3 cm; leaf blade abaxially light brown when dry, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 50--70 × 9--15 cm, glabrous except hairy along midvein and at margin abaxially, base subrounded or attenuate, oblique, apex shortly acuminate. Inflorescence a head, ca. 10 cm in diam. at anthesis; peduncle embedded in ground, short, 1--3 cm; bracts ovate or oblong, 3--5 × 1.5--2 cm; bracteoles tubular, ca. 4.5 cm. Flowers 4--12 opening together, red. Calyx 6.5--7 cm, split to middle on 1 side, apex 3-toothed. Corolla tube 3--5 cm; lobes oblong, 2.2--2.6 cm × 5--7 mm. Labellum bright red at margin, obovate-oblong, free part 4.5--5.5 × 1.5--2 cm, base expanded, middle slightly narrowed, margin incurved, apex entire or emarginate. Filament ca. 1 cm; anther ca. 1 cm, apex emarginate. Ovary densely pilose. Style 5--6.5 cm; stigma rhombic, ciliate. Capsule globose, ca. 3 cm in diam., pubescent. Fl. Apr--May. 2 n = 48*.
A ginger family herb. The false stems are 2-3 m high. It has slender underground stems or rhizomes. The leaf stalk is 0.5-3 cm long. The leaf blade is light brown underneath. It is oblong to sword shaped and 50-70 cm long by 9-15 cm wide. It tapers to a short tip. The flowers are at ground level. The flower head is about 10 cm across. There are 4-12 flowers opening together. They are red. The fruit is a round capsule. It is about 3 cm across and finely hairy.