Shrubs. Leaves 3-7-foliolate; petiole 6-7(-10.5) cm; terminal petiolule 0.6-1(-1.5) cm, lateral petiolules 2(-5) mm; leaflets elliptic, obovate, or obovate-elliptic, terminal leaflet subequal to lateral leaflets, 8-10.5 × 3.5-4.5 cm (or terminal leaflet 13.5-14 × 9-10 cm, lateral leaflets 10.5-13 × ca. 7 cm), papery, abaxially appressed fulvous pubescent, adaxially glabrous, midvein slightly convex abaxially, flat or slightly impressed adaxially, lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs, inconspicuous, base cuneate to rounded, apex cuspidate to blunt. Racemes terminal, 8-16 cm; peduncle ca. 4 cm; pedicel ca. 4 mm, appressed fulvous pubescent. Flowers 2-2.2 cm. Calyx tubular, lower ones narrow, 4-5 mm or 9-10 mm, ca. 2 mm wide, with bursicule at base; upper ones expanded to cup-shaped, ca. 6 mm; lobes bluntly triangular, 1-1.5 mm. Standard reflexed and curved, ca. 1.5 cm, apex blunt or retuse, upper half ca. 5 mm wide, downward attenuate to stalk, base ca. 2 mm wide; wings oblong, ca. 8.5 × 3.5 mm, base truncate, without auricles, apex obtuse, claw straight on one side and arcuate on other side, stalk ca. 7 × 1 mm; keel oblong, lower part free, upper part connate, apex obtuse, claw ca. 7 × 3 mm, with small projection at base, stalk ca. 6 mm, less than 1 mm wide. Stamen tube ca. 1.2 mm. Ovary linear, ca. 5.5 mm, stipe ca. 1.3 cm; style linear, ca. 4 mm. Legume dark brown, ellipsoid, 1.5-1.8 cm × ca. 8 mm, both ends obtuse, apex with a very short mucro; infructescence ca. 10 cm, carpopodium ca. 1.4 cm. Fl. May-Jun(-Jul), fr. Jul-Sep.