Shrubs 3-5 m. high, the young twigs very shortly pubescent at their tips with dibrachiate hairs, soon glabrate. Leaves elliptical or elliptical-oblong, acute at the base, obtusely acuminate at the apex, 7-13 cm. long and 4-5 cm. wide, cori-aceous, glabrous, the midrib impressed above, prominent beneath, the lateral nerves in about 12 pairs, obsolete above, prominulous beneath; petiole 8-10 mm. long. Inflorescence shortly racemose, 2-to 8-flowered, as long as the petiole or somewhat shorter, sparsely sericeous; pedicels 4-8 mm. long. Flowers 4-merous. Sepals un-equal, the 2 outer orbiculate, 2.5-3.0 mm. long, the 2 inner 1.0-1.5 mm. long. Petals obovate, 3-4 mm. long. Ovary obconic, pubescent outside but glabrescent, 2-celled; ovules 12-18 in each cell, inserted on a peltate placenta. Berries obovate-oblong, distinctly 8-ribbed, up to 1.5 cm. long.