Lip 16–26 mm long, hard to flatten, 3-lobed, side lobes erect, joined to base of column; mid-lobe 8.5–12.5 × 7–9 mm, with a callus of 5 fleshy ridges, convex, elliptic-obovate, obtuse or apiculate.
Sepals purple-brown; petals yellow, the inside flushed with red-brown and heavily veined with red; lip yellow, the side lobes veined with red; spur red-brown.
Spur 6–9 mm long, (13–16 mm long to apex of ovary), conical-cylindrical from a wide mouth, horizontal or somewhat deflexed.
Perennating organs subterranean, tuberous, asymmetrical, 3–6 × 2–5 cm, forming a chain.
Petals 13–19 × 12–19 mm, suborbicular to elliptic-ovate, apiculate, held horizontally.
Inflorescence laxly 6-to c. 20-flowered; scape purplish, with several sheaths.
Flowers yellow, petals with red veins or almost entirely red beneath.
Terrestrial herb 26–100 cm high, flowering when leafless.
Leaves broad and flat, appearing after the flowers
Sepals 8–13.5 × 4–6 mm, oblanceolate, apiculate.
Pedicel and ovary 10–20 mm long, purple, arched.
Bracts 8–13 mm long, linear, acuminate, purple.
Leaves 2–4, 18–50 × 0.7–2 cm, linear, fleshy.
Column 7–8 mm long.