Eupatorium cannabinum L.

Hemp-agrimony (en), Eupatoire chanvrine (fr), Chanvre d'eau (fr), Eupatoire à feuilles de chanvre (fr)


Angiosperms > Asterales > Asteraceae > Eupatorium


Herbs, perennial, 50-150 cm tall. Rhizomes robust, with many fibrous roots. Stems erect, purplish red, simple or only apically corymbose branched, puberulent; synflorescence branches and peduncles more densely hairy, glabrescent in median lower part by anthesis. Leaves opposite, shortly petiolate; petiole ca. 5 mm; median and lower leaves irregularly lobed; central lobe elliptic or narrowly lanceolate, large, 6-11 × 2-3 cm, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, apex acuminate or long acuminate; lateral lobes same shape as central lobe, smaller; upper stem leaves gradually smaller, irregularly lobed or simple; lower stem leaves shed by anthesis; all stem leaves scabrid, rather thick, sparsely puberulent and glandular, more densely hairy abaxially and on veins, pinnately veined, lateral veins 5-or 6-paired, margin serrate, undulate. Synflorescences terminal, of densely compound corymbs. Capitula numerous, 3-7-flowered; involucre campanulate, ca. 6 mm; phyllaries 2-or 3-seriate, imbricate; outer phyllaries short, ovate-lanceolate, ca. 2 mm, puberulent; median and inner phyllaries gradually longer, with membranous margin and purplish tip; corollas purple-red, pink, or whitish, ca. 5 mm, outside sparsely yellow glandular. Achenes black-brown, cylindric, ca. 3 mm, 5-ribbed, with yellow glands; pappus setae white, ca. 5 mm. 2n = 20.
Perennials, 30–150 cm. Stems (from short rhizomes) single, branched distally, puberulent. Leaves opposite; subsessile or petiolate; blades palmately 3(–5)-lobed (at least larger proximal, lobes relatively broad), blades (or lobes) lanceolate to lance-ovate, 50–100 × 20–40 mm, margins serrate, apices rounded to acute, faces puberulent, gland-dotted. Heads in dense, corymbiform arrays. Phyllaries 8–10 in 2–3 series, oblong, 4.5–6 × 1.5–2 mm, apices rounded, abaxial faces puberulent, gland-dotted. Florets (4–)5(–6); corollas (usually pinkish) 2–2.5 mm. Cypselae 2–3 mm; pappi of 20–30 bristles 3–5 mm. 2n = 20.
A herb. It keeps growing from year to year. It grows 50-150 cm tall. It has robust rhizomes. The stems are erect and purplish red. The leaves are opposite. The lower leaves have irregular lobes. The leaves are 6-11 cm long by 2-3 cm wide. The leaves get smaller up the stem.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread anemochory
Mature width (meter) 1.0
Mature height (meter) 1.0 - 1.5
Root system fibrous-root rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


A gregarious plant of marshes and fens, streambanks and moist woods. By streams, in low damp sites and in woods, avoiding acid soils.
It is a temperate plant. In China it grows on the top of small hills and among bamboos
Light 4-9
Soil humidity 4-7
Soil texture 1-5
Soil acidity 4-8
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-7


Uses dye environmental use fiber material medicinal
Edible leaves
Therapeutic use Antifungal agents (fruit), Visceral obstructions (leaf), Abdominal pain (leaf), Anti-bacterial agents (leaf), Antifungal agents (leaf), Burns (leaf), Contusions (leaf), Edema (leaf), Fever (leaf), Jaundice (leaf), Measles (leaf), Scurvy (leaf), Smallpox (leaf), Ulcer (leaf), Wounds and injuries (leaf), Antineoplastic agents (seed), Central nervous system diseases (seed), Hypothermia (seed), Dysentery (shoot), Wounds and injuries (shoot), Alterative (unspecified), Anodyne (unspecified), Apertif (unspecified), Cholagogue (unspecified), Depurative (unspecified), Discutient (unspecified), Diuretic (unspecified), Emetic (unspecified), Emmenagogue (unspecified), Flu (unspecified), Laxative (unspecified), Medicine (unspecified), Scurvy (unspecified), Sore (unspecified), Tonic (unspecified), Tumor(Intestine) (unspecified), Tumor(Scrotum) (unspecified), Vermifuge (unspecified), Bilious (unspecified), Dropsy (unspecified), Fever (unspecified), Sudorific (unspecified), Cancer (unspecified), Catarrh (unspecified), Cathartic (unspecified), Nervine (unspecified), Vulnerary (unspecified), Cold (unspecified), Antitussive (unspecified), Antifungal agents (unspecified), Antineoplastic agents (unspecified), Biliary tract diseases (unspecified), Cathartics (unspecified), Cholecystitis (unspecified), Diuretics (unspecified), Emetics (unspecified), Inflammation (unspecified), Influenza, human (unspecified), Jaundice (unspecified), Necrosis (unspecified), Ulcer (unspecified), Wounds and injuries (unspecified), Cathartics (whole plant), Diuretics (whole plant), Emetics (whole plant), Jaundice (whole plant), Menstruation-inducing agents (whole plant), Scurvy (whole plant), Ulcer (whole plant), Diaphoretic (whole plant)
Human toxicity toxic (whole)
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by divisions or seedlings.
Mode divisions seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -27
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Eupatorium cannabinum habit picture by Stéphanie Aït Larbi (cc-by-sa)
Eupatorium cannabinum habit picture by Panthère Rose (cc-by-sa)
Eupatorium cannabinum habit picture by Manfred (cc-by-sa)


Eupatorium cannabinum leaf picture by R K (cc-by-sa)
Eupatorium cannabinum leaf picture by mireille vallet (cc-by-sa)
Eupatorium cannabinum leaf picture by dewara (cc-by-sa)


Eupatorium cannabinum flower picture by B Neige (cc-by-sa)
Eupatorium cannabinum flower picture by Gaëlle Dufossé (cc-by-sa)
Eupatorium cannabinum flower picture by Caroline Maurel (cc-by-sa)


Eupatorium cannabinum fruit picture by Youri Goossens (cc-by-sa)
Eupatorium cannabinum fruit picture by John Sycorax (cc-by-sa)
Eupatorium cannabinum fruit picture by Jurek (cc-by-sa)


Eupatorium cannabinum world distribution map, present in Canada, China, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and United States of America


WFO ID wfo-0000035116
BDTFX ID 25746
INPN ID 97434
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Eupatorium cannabinum Eupatorium corsicum Eupatorium cannabifolium Cunigunda vulgaris Eupatorium soleirolii Eupatorium lindleyanum Chrone heterophylla Chone heterophylla Eupatorium cannabinum var. cannabinum Eupatorium cannabinum var. syriacum Eupatorium wallichii var. heterophyllum

Lower taxons

Eupatorium cannabinum subsp. cannabinum