Fairly strong for this genus; extension branches prostrate and 4-2 inches long, with mostly homomallous leaves, pointing upward; erect branches very numerous, subpinnately arranged, 3-6 mm long, densely leafy; the leaves closely imbricate, expanded when moist, appressed when dry, ovate-lanceolate, 1 mm long or more; the nerve strong, extending half-way; the margin expanded, entire; the apex entire, chlorophyllose when young, the cells rhomboid, 50 x 10 µ, smooth, at first green; the basal cells numerous, quadrate, 10 x 10 µ, chlorophyllose when young. Perichaetium lateral on stem and branches; its leaves concave, the inner sheathing, shortly pointed, hardly entire, the margin being irregular; cells all long, pellucid; seta 4-6 mm long, pale; capsule erect, oval or oval-oblong, 1-5 mm long, with short tapering neck, no peristome, and distinct mouth-band of five to six rows of small transverse cells; other capsule cells red, large, with sinuose walls. Lid convex, hardly apiculate. Dioecious, male flowers not seen.