Small shrub or suffrutex with several weak stems from a woody rootstock; stems (0.35)0.6–1.2 m tall, slender but eventually distinctly woody, dull purplish-brown or greyish with peeling epidermis, glabrous save for insides of stipule-bases, mostly with main stem leaves falling early, and with young slender branchlets up to about 15 cm long in whorls of 2 or 3 at each node from the leaf axils.
Inflorescences compact, at nodes all up the stem, mostly in axils of the branchlets, each about 10-flowered but forming c. 3 cm wide clusters with the other pair at the same node; peduncles (1)4–5(10) mm long, minutely asperulous; secondary axes and pedicels (1)3–5 mm long; bracts 2 mm long, ovate; bracteoles 1–2 mm long, elliptic.
Corolla tailed at apex in bud; yellow or pale yellow-green, glabrous; tube (3)4(5) mm long, broadly funnel-shaped, with long dense white or creamy hairs around the throat and a ring of deflexed hairs inside at base; lobes green outside, creamy inside, 4 × 1.5–2 mm, ± oblong, with short appendage at the apex.
Calyx tube subglobose, 1 mm long; lobes distinctly leaf-like, 2–3 × 0.5–1 mm, lanceolate, very narrowly rounded at apex.
Fruits yellow, 10–15 mm in diameter, subglobose, mostly with 1–4 pyrenes about 10 mm long.
The pollen presenter cream, 1 mm long, cylindrical-obconic, sulcate, lobed at apex.
Style 6–7 mm long.
Ovary 4–locular.