Fadogia tetraquetra K.Schum. & K.Krause


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Rubiaceae > Fadogia


Suffrutex with up to 7 basically unbranched stems, 20-90(120) cm tall, from the crowns of a fairly stout rhizome; stems brown glabrous, or very sparsely pubescent to densely hairy, mostly 3-4-angled.Leaves in whorls of 3-5(6), drying distinctly discolorous; blades 4-11 x 1.5-4.8 cm, broadly elliptic to narrowly oblong-elliptic, acuminate to a fine point at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base, glabrous to pubescent, paler and often glaucous beneath, the actual surface (when viewed under high magnification) with a distinct appearance due to denseness of the stomata, the main nerves often rather crinkly and undulate (perhaps due to slight fleshiness of leaf in life), the leaf upper surface slightly bullate above in some specimens; petioles 1-2.5 mm long; stipules connate at the base, the base 3-5 mm long, triangular, pubescent within, prolonged into a subulate appendage (2)4-10 mm long. Inflorescences 3-9-flowered; peduncles 2-5(16) mm long; pedicels 1.5-5 mm long; bracts and bracteoles 3-4 mm long, subulate. Calyx tube 1.3-1.5 mm long, often wrinkled when dry; limb with tubular part 0.5-1 mm long, bearing narrowly triangular teeth 1.5-3.5 mm long. Corolla apiculate in bud; greenish-yellow or honey-coloured, glabrous to ± pubescent outside; tube 2.5-4 mm long, densely hairy at the throat and with a row of deflexed hairs inside; lobes oblong-triangular, apiculate at the apex, 3.5-5(7) mm long. Style exserted for up to 1 mm; pollen presenter coroniform, up to 1.5 mm long, ribbed and 3-4-lobed. Ovary 3-4-locular.Fruit 6-7 mm long, subglobose or oblique, usually with 3 pyrenes but sometimes reduced to 1 by abortion.
Subshrubby herb 20–90(–120) cm. tall, with up to 7 brown glabrous or very sparsely pubescent to densely hairy mostly 3–4-angled basically unbranched stems from the crowns of a fairly stout rhizome.. Leaves in whorls of 3–5(–6), drying distinctly discolorous; blades broadly elliptic to narrowly oblong-elliptic, 4–11 cm. long, 1.5–4.8 cm. wide, acuminate to a fine point at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base, glabrous to pubescent, paler and often glaucous beneath, the actual surface with distinct appearance under high powers due to denseness of stomata, the main nerves often rather crinkly and undulate perhaps due to slight fleshiness of leaf in life, slightly bullate above in some specimens; petioles 1–2.5 mm. long; stipules connate at the base, the base triangular 3–5 mm. long, pubescent within, prolonged into a subulate appendage (2–)4–10 mm. long.. Inflorescences 3–9-flowered; peduncles 2–5(–16) mm. long; pedicels 1.5–5 mm. long; bracts and bracteoles subulate, 3–4 mm. long.. Calyx-tube 1.3–1.5 mm. long, often wrinkled when dry; limb with tubular part 0.5–1 mm. long, bearing narrowly triangular teeth 1.5–3.5 mm. long.. Buds apiculate.. Corolla greenish yellow or honey-coloured, glabrous to ± pubescent outside; tube 2.5–4 mm. long, densely hairy at the throat and with a row of deflexed hairs inside; lobes oblong-triangular, apiculate at the apex, 3.5–5(–7) mm. long.. Ovary 3–4-locular; style exserted for up to 1 mm.; stigmatic club coroniform, up to 1.5 mm. long, ribbed and 3–4-lobed.. Fruit subglobose or oblique, 6–7 mm. long, usually with 3 pyrenes but often reduced to 1 by abortion.
Herba perennis pluribus caulibus simplicibus erectis modice validis tetrangulatis infra nodos subsulcatis glaberrimis. Folia parva breviter petiolata opposita vel ternatim verticillata; stipulae basi in vaginam tubulosam extus glabram intus dense sericeam connatae apice in lacinias 4 lineares acuminatas vagina aequilongas vel paulo longiores desinentes; petiolus brevis tenuis supra paulum applanatus atque late canaliculatus; lamina herbacea anguste oblonga vel oblongo-lanceolata utrinque acuta supra laevis glabra subtus ad costam mediam atque venas primarias prominulas sparse pilosa. Flores parvi breviter pedicellati ad 6-10 in axillis superioribus fasciculati; ovarium hemisphaericum glabrum; calyx cupulatus fere ad basin in lacinias 5 anguste triangulares acutas divisus; corollae tubus brevis apicem versus dilatatus extus glabratus intus densiuscule villosus, lobi 5 ovati acuminati tubo paulo longiores; stamina fauce affixa, antherae subsessiles oblongae acutae basi rotundatae semiexsertae; stilus erectus validus basin versus subincrassatus corollae tubo circ. dimidio longior stigmate typico coronatus.
Leaves in whorls of 3–5(6), drying distinctly discolorous; blades 4–11 × 1.5–4.8 cm, broadly elliptic to narrowly oblong-elliptic, acuminate to a fine point at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base, glabrous to pubescent, paler and often glaucous beneath, the actual surface (when viewed under high magnification) with a distinct appearance due to denseness of the stomata, the main nerves often rather crinkly and undulate (perhaps due to slight fleshiness of leaf in life), the leaf upper surface slightly bullate above in some specimens; petioles 1–2.5 mm long; stipules connate at the base, the base 3–5 mm long, triangular, pubescent within, prolonged into a subulate appendage (2)4–10 mm long.
Corolla apiculate in bud; greenish-yellow or honey-coloured, glabrous to ± pubescent outside; tube 2.5–4 mm long, densely hairy at the throat and with a row of deflexed hairs inside; lobes oblong-triangular, apiculate at the apex, 3.5–5(7) mm long.
A herb or small shrub. It grows 20-90 cm tall. It has up to 7 stems. These are brown and 3-4 angled. The leaves are in rings of 3-5. They are 4-11 cm long by 1.5-4.8 cm wide. The fruit are 6-7 mm long.
Suffrutex with up to 7 basically unbranched stems, 20–90(120) cm tall, from the crowns of a fairly stout rhizome; stems brown glabrous, or very sparsely pubescent to densely hairy, mostly 3–4-angled.
Calyx tube 1.3–1.5 mm long, often wrinkled when dry; limb with tubular part 0.5–1 mm long, bearing narrowly triangular teeth 1.5–3.5 mm long.
Inflorescences 3–9-flowered; peduncles 2–5(16) mm long; pedicels 1.5–5 mm long; bracts and bracteoles 3–4 mm long, subulate.
Fruit 6–7 mm long, subglobose or oblique, usually with 3 pyrenes but sometimes reduced to 1 by abortion.
Pollen presenter coroniform, up to 1.5 mm long, ribbed and 3–4-lobed.
Style exserted for up to 1 mm.
Ovary 3–4-locular.
Life form perennial
Growth form
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.2 - 0.9
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Open grassland, burnt hillslopes, old cultivations and Brachystegia woodland, on sandy soil at elevations from 1,200-1,740 metres.
It is a subtropical plant.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The fruit are eaten as a snack.
Uses food medicinal
Edible fruits
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Fadogia tetraquetra world distribution map, present in Angola, Central African Republic, Ghana, Guinea, Mozambique, Nigeria, eSwatini, Tanzania, United Republic of, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:749015-1
WFO ID wfo-0000966335
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Pachystigma tetraquetrum Fadogia mucronata Fadogia tetraquetra

Lower taxons

Fadogia tetraquetra var. grandiflora Fadogia tetraquetra var. tetraquetra