Shrub or small tree, to 3 m; shoots densely villose. Leaves oblong-elliptic, 24-44 by 6.5-13 cm, chartaceous, base cordate, apex apiculate, acute, bristly along the veins and on both surfaces, but the upper surface becoming ± glabrous, except for the midrib; midrib, lateral veins and reticulation prominently raised on the lower surface, impressed on the upper surface; petiole c. 5-6 mm, villose. Inflorescence axillary, flowers solitary, ± sessile. Male flowers obovoid, c. 55 mm long, glabrous, with 1-2 small triangular bracts usually near the base; tepals 6, tri-angular; stamens numerous (c. 24) distributed irregu-larly over the inner surface of the receptacle, fila-ment terete, connective separating the two anthers; anthers c. 1 mm long, each locule opening by a ver-tical slit. Female flowers turbinate, c. 7 by 8 mm, glabrous, with 2-3 pairs of small deltoid bracts at or above the base; tepals c. 5 decussate pairs, the inner 3 pairs swollen and glandular, the inner surface setu-lose; carpels numerous, c. 3 mm long, sessile, with a long subulate style and stigma. Infructescence to c. 3 cm ø, woody, setulose, margin revolute; drupes ovoid, c. 15 by 10 mm, sessile, hirsute.