Hairy to glabrous perennial herb. Stems creeping underground, rooting at nodes, up to 0.5 m or longer. Leaves lanceolate to oblong-ovate, base 5-nerved, truncate to almost cuneate, apex rounded to emarginate, 10-70 x 3-14 mm, silvery silky, glabrescent above, adpressed pilose beneath; petiole up to 80 mm long. Pedicel 3-60 mm long, recurved in fruit. Calyx 4-7 mm long; tube 1-3 mm long; lobes oblong, acute, adpressed-pilose outside, enlarged in fruit to ovate and deltoid to subcordate, crisped along edges. Corolla 5-15 mm long, shallowly to deeply lobed; lobes emarginate, white to pale pink, drying yellow. Stamens inserted low down in corolla tube; anthers roundish. Ovary densely pilose; styles subulate, 8 mm long; stigmas capitate. Capsule ±2 mm long, membranous, pilose, enclosed by accrescent, marcescent calyx.
Perennial herb; hairy to glabrous. Stems procumbent, creeping underground, rooting at nodes. Leaves petiolate; blade narrowly ovate or oblong-ovate, usually twice as long as broad, 10-70 x 3-14 mm, base truncate or slightly cuneate, lower surface silvery silky, appressed-hairy; petioles up to 80 mm long. Flowers: solitary, axillary; calyx 4-7 mm long; corolla 5-15 mm long, white to pale pink or mauve; Aug.-Jan. Fruit with capsule ± 2 mm long, membranous, pilose, enclosed by accrescent calyx.