Tall, deciduous tree, 15-4 (bole 15-20 m), 20-7 ø; no buttresses; larger twigs terete. Leaves 25-40 cm; leaflets 3-5 pairs, a few mm stalked to sessile, obovate-to elliptic-oblong, glabrous, beneath with a few large spot-glands, entire, abruptly acute-acuminate, cuneate at base, the lowest pair often (2-4 cm) small and roundish, 14-18 by 4-7 cm; underneath some scattered dark glandular spots and minute hairy domatia. Thyrses rather short (2-8 cm), lateral, narrow and dense, densely appressed pubescent; peduncle short; pedicels c. ½ cm. Calyx tubular, less than halfway with 2-3 incised, short, acute lobes, l-l¼ cm by 3 mm, appressed-pubescent by appressed partly stellate hairs and a few warty elevated glands in upper half, faintly 5-ribbed. Corolla white or pale pinkish, of thin texture, outside minutely puberulous, 4-5 cm (incl. lobes); basal tube c. 1¾ cm long, upper one wide-funnel-shaped, c. 1 ¾ cm long; lobes unequal obovate-roundish, with crenulate margin, l½-1¾ by 1¾-2¼ cm. Stamens 4, didynamous, inserted halfway the basal tube. Disk annular, ± puberulous. Ovary lanceolate, densely yellow-tomentose, 4-angular, faintly 6-ribbed; ovules in 6 rows in each cell; style delicate, l½-2cm, at base ap-pressed-hairy. Capsule linear, terete, straight or ± twisted, glabrous, 40-65 by 1-1½ on ø; valves thin-coriaceous, lenticellate; septum flat, ¾-l cm wide, shining, of corky texture. Seeds 2-2½ cm (incl. the very short hyaline wing) by ¾ cm.
Rainforest, up to 350 m, according to field labels in most localities rather common; see e.g. TEYSMANN, l.c. Fl. Oct.-Dec.; fr. Dec-May.