Leaves petiolate; lamina (5) 7–12·4 × (1·8) 2–4·3 cm., oblong or lanceolate, acuminate at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base, with a bluntly serrulate margin, subcoriaceous, dark glossy green above, paler and sometimes glaucous below, wholly glabrous or sparsely pilose below or on both sides, with slender pinnate nerves and frequently inconspicuous reticulate venation; petiole 3–9 mm. long, pilose or glabrescent.
Flowers small, in solitary or paired dichasia, on the second-year shoots; primary peduncle 2–6 mm. long, pubescent; pedicels short or very short, pubescent; bracteoles half as long as the calyx, ovate or oblong, rounded.
Tree (2) 6–24 (36) m. high, much branched, evergreen, with rough fissured brown bark and copious white latex.
Branches terete (or longitudinally ridged when dry), rather sparsely pilose at first, eventually glabrous.
Seeds 1 mm. long, ovoid-oblong, slightly curved; testa loose, whitish-fawn, semi-translucent, reticulate.
Ovary densely appressed-pilose; styles pilose at the base, otherwise glabrous; stigmas papillose.
Stamens glabrous; anthers c. 0·25 mm. long, elliptic-obovoid, glabrous; filaments c. 1 mm. long.
Capsule c. 3 mm. in diam., 1–11/2 times as long as the calyx, with widely spreading valves.
Petals yellowish to white or greenish, 3 mm. long, oblong, rounded, glabrous.
Sepals c. 1 mm. long, rounded, sparsely pubescent.