Trees, trunk buttressed, often raised on stilt-roots. Leaves simple, entire, nerves pinnate, ± straight, parallel, rather numerous, distinctly connected by a ± looped intramarginal vein. Racemes axillary or ramiflorous. Pedicels solitary or in twos, free or united in the lower half. Bracts minute, mostly very early caducous. Perianth segments soon free, curved, limb subglobose. Stamens sessile or nearly so in the concave limb; connective broad, not produced beyond the anther-cells, 'the latter slightly divergent towards the base. Torus oblique. Disk fleshy, entire, horseshoe-shaped or nearly annular. Ovary stipitate. Style slender or narrowly clavate, usually long and protruding from the slit in the abaxial side of the perianth tube in the later bud-stage, stigma terminal, pyramidal. Ovules 2, anatropous, laterally attached to the protruding wall. Fruit an oblique-globular or compressed-globular drupe; exocarp rather thin, fleshy; endocarp thick, bony, rough. Cotyledons 2, thick and fleshy.