Plants large, forming turfs or groups, yellow-green to light green; terricolous. Stems 10-15 mm tall, infrequently branched; in section subround, central strand small, inner cortical cells large, in 3 rows smaller toward margin, outer cortical cells in 2 rows, stereids, red-yellow. Leaves somewhat crowded, erect with circinate apices dry, patent wet; ligulate to oblong-lanceolate, 2-3 mm long; apex obtuse to rounded, rarely broadly acute; margins elimbate, crenulate; costa ending below apex, fiexuose above. Vaginant laminae to ? leaf length, one blade abruptly rounded distally, terminating on lamina or costa; dorsal lamina abruptly rounded near insertion. Laminal cells rounded, hexagonal to subhexagonal, 8-10 µm long, incrassate, superficially bulging; slightly larger in vaginant laminae. Perichaetia terminal or lateral; leaves undifferentiated. Seta 3-5 mm long; capsule erect, urn short-cylindrical, 0.5-1.0 mm long; peristome deeply cleft, reddish; operculum long-rostrate; spores not seen.