Plants small, in loose groups, yellow-green, glossy; semi-aquatic. Stems 3-4 mm tall, simple; in section elliptical, central strand absent, inner cortical cells large, outer cortical cells large, 2-3 rows, smaller, incrassate or sub-stereids. Leaves equally spaced, little altered dry, erect-spreading wet; broadly lanceolate to ovate-lingulate, 1.0-1.2 mm long; apex acute; margins bistratose; in section forming 4-celled, club-shaped border, minutely serrulate above, marginal cells similar to laminal cells; costa subpercurrent. Vaginant laminae extending to mid-leaf, termination of one blade laminal; dorsal lamina very gradually tapering proximally to abruptly rounded at base. Laminal cells hexagonal to subhexagonal, 12-15 µm long, incrassate, smooth; basal cells undifferentiated. Sporophyte not known.