Trees 10-20 m, nearly evergreen. Branchlets pubescent, glabrescent; buds naked. Leaves 10-25 cm; petiole 3-8 cm; axis glabrous or puberulent; leaflets 5-7(-11); petiolule 5-10 mm; leaflet blade ovate to lanceolate, 2-10(-14) × 1-5 cm (basal pair usually smaller), leathery or thin leathery, adaxially glabrous, abaxially glandular dotted, base blunt to rounded, attenuate to petiolule, or oblique, margin entire, apex obliquely cuspidate to acuminate; primary veins 5 or 6(-10) on each side of midrib, obscure or rarely obvious. Panicles terminal, 10-25 cm, spreading, many flowered; bracts spatulate-linear, 3-10 ùmm, leafy, puberulent at first. Flowers bisexual, appearing after leaves. Pedicel slender, 2-4 mm. Calyx cupular, ca. 1 mm, puberulent or glabrous, subentire to broadly deltate toothed. Corolla white; lobes navicular, ca. 2 mm. Stamens ca. equal to corolla lobes. Samara broadly lanceolate-spatulate, 2.5-3 cm × 4-5 mm; wing decurrent to about middle of nutlet. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Jul-Nov. 2n = 46.
A pioneer species, growing on old lava flows, open rain forest or in Casuarina junghuhniana forest at elevations from near sea level to 1,700 metres, more commonly above 1,100 metres. To 2,000 metres in China.
A pioneer species, growing on old lava flows, open rain forest or in Casuarina junghuhniana forest at elevations from near sea level to 1,700 metres, more commonly above 1,100 metres. To 2,000 metres in China.