Autoicous, medium sized-large, pale green-redbrown, on bark. Stem to 6 cm long, 110-130 µ in diameter, with numerous microphyllous short branches. Leaves densely imbricate, covering and widely exceeding the stem, asymmetrically elliptical, dorsal margin arched, ventral margin slightly arched, apex obtuse-subacute. Cells rounded, in the margin 12-20 x 16-18 µ, in the centre of the lobe about 14 x 20-26 µ, basal cells about 20 x 24 µ, walls thick, trigones distinct. Oil bodies 5-6 per cell, 2-3 x 6-12 µ, colourless, compound. Lobule clavate, about 80 x 180 µ, distant from the stem, diverging 20-45°, apex rounded, mouth truncate, somewhat open towards the lateral side. Stylus broad, with thick walled cells, up to 7 cells long and 5 cells broad, base of the lobule broad and in the stem-leaves with a deflexed, lobe-like portion nearest the stem. Amphigastria up to 4 times wider than the stem, usually twice wider, circular-ovate-subquadrate, as long as broad, bilobed to 1/3-1/2, frequently with a broad tooth basally in the lateral margin, lobes acute-obtuse, insertion slightly arched-straight. Androecia near the female organs, on short branches, subglobose, usually broader than long. Female organs apical on short branches; bracts in 2-3 pairs, apex acute, lobes concave with margins reflexed, margin entire, stylus short and broad. Bracteole bilobed to 2/3, lobes long and ellipsoid. Perianth obovate, rostrum 100-110 µ long, shortly ciliate, ventral face with a low and short ridge, dorsal face flat, in the distal portion a shallow impression in the midline. Spores 30 x 45-55 x 50-50 x 80 µ, with brown spots. Elaters 14 µ wide, monospirate, band 5-6 µ wide, reddish brown.