Autoicous, pale redbrown. Stem to 10 cm long, regularly pinnate, branches to 20 mm long and with secondary branches: Leaves imbricate, lobes broadly ovate, concave, apex apiculate and incurved, base cordate. Marginal cells of the lobe about 8 x 8 µ, in the centre about 12 x 18 µ, basal cells 18 x 24 µ.cell walls thick and nodulous, trigones large, with brownish centre. Oil bodies 2-3 per cell, ellipsoid, composed of small drops. Lobule parallel to the stem or diverging 20°, situated near the stem, cylindrical, 4 times longer than broad, vertex rounded, mouth truncate. Amphigastria large, bilobed to 1/4-1/3, sinus narrow but not acute, lobes acute, margins recurvated. Androeciain short rather long branches near the female organs, globose, with 2-3pairs of bilobed bracts. Female organ apical on short branches. Perianth clavate, trigonous, rostrum long and narrow. Female bracts lanceolate, acute, irregularly dentate with long teeth. This species has a very characteristic appearance, thin as a thread, with long branches and long clavate perianths.