Monoicous, small, reddish brown, prostrate, on bark. Stem a few cm long, densely pinnate-bipinnate, 100-150 µ in diameter. Leaves imbricate-approximate, lobe concave, covering and exceeding the stem, shortly oval, with a rounded appendage, margin sinous and entire, apex obtuse, sometimes reflexed, lobule large in comparison to the lobe, parallel to the stem, variable in shape but usually clavate, strongly inflated and with month wide, basal part frequently contracted and with a ± distinct beak, stylus large, 40-50 x 130-200 µ, ligulate, 4-5 cells wide at base, apex acute or obtuse. Cells with distinct trigones, in the margin 1-12 x 12-14 µ, in the centre12-16 x 18-20 µ, basal cells sometimes coloured rosy, 30-40 x 35-50 µ, cuticle smooth. Amphigastria distant, hardly wider than the stem, flat, insertion straight, base cuneate, lateral margins entire or with an obtuse tooth, bilobed to 1/3, lobes subobtuse, sinus acute, Androecia broadly ovate, apical in short branches, bracts in 3-5 pairs. Female organ apical in an elongated branch, generally with one subfloral innovation, bracts in two pairs, inner bracts obtuse, bracteole divided to 1/2, lobes subacute, on each side with a marginal tooth, stylus 180-250 µ long. Perianth excerted, broadly ovoid, with 8-10 plicae, these undulate-crispate, 3 dorsal, 2 lateral, 3-5 ventral, rostrum 70 µ long, cup-like, mouth ciliate.