Dioicous, densely matted on stones or bark, dark green usually dark purplish brown, Stem to 4 cm long, 150-200 µ in diameter, pinnately branched. Lobes almost circular except at the base, apex rounded and reflex, median margin widely overlapping the stem. Insertion line U-shaped. Marginal cells 16-18 µ, cells in the middle of the lobe 20-26 µ, rounded, walls thin, trigones small-medium sized. Lobule large, semiglobose-oblong, rather distant from the stem, parallel to or somewhat diverging from it, the dorsal margin to 1/3-1/2 connate with the lobe. Stylus short, 2-4 cells long. Amphigastria ovate, roundedly emarginate-bilobed to 1/4-1/3, without lateral shoulders, base ± cordate, usually appressed to the stem, frequently with rhizoids. Perianth longly ovate, rostrum 100-110 µ long and 100 µ wide. Dorsal face convex, ventral face with two acute keels, margins smooth. Bracts with margins entire, lobule concave towards the ventral face, apex acute. Bracteole long, bilobed to 1/3, apices acute. Spores about 40 µ diameter, with indistinct dark spots, somewhat papillose. Elaters 16 µ broad. Male branches short, androecia ovoid-ellipsoid. Is probably only an ecological form of the variable F. trinervis.