Small tree or shrub, 3-7 m high. Branches quadrate. Leaves decussate; midrib with gland on underside just below apex. Flowers 5-or 6-merous in a terminal cyme. Flowers creamy whitish.
Petals 4 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate, acute, shortly clawed, caducous, creamy whitish.
Stamens exserted; filamentsc.8mm.long; anthers subcircular, c. 1 mm. in diam.
Calyx-tube c. 2·5 x 4 mm., the lobes triangular, erect, as long as the tube.
Seeds c. 2·5 mm. in diameter, subcircular, with a very thin wing.
Small tree 3–7 m. high, glabrous, the branches 4-gonous.
Ovary c. 2 mm. in diameter; style 6 mm. long.
Capsule up to 5 mm. in diameter, globose.
Panicles terminal, 6–12 cm. long.