Garcinia warrenii F.Muell.


Angiosperms > Malpighiales > Clusiaceae > Garcinia


Tree 13–25 m high, exudate yellow. Twigs flattened or terete. Leaves glabrous; petiole 8–20 (–30) mm long, 2.5–3 mm wide; lamina discolorous, coriaceous, elliptic to ovate or subcircular, (4–) 6.5–23 cm long, 2.8–12.3 cm wide, base attenuate, cuneate or obtuse, apex acuminate, acute, obtuse, retuse or emarginate; venation brochidodromous; secondary veins prominently or slightly raised above and below; submarginal veins on lamina underside 1–3 mm from the margin. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, axes 1–35 mm long. Flowers 15–18 mm diam.; sepals 4, orbicular; petals 4, elliptic to obovate, 10–13 mm long; stigma mass sessile, domed, 7–8 mm diam.; stamens in 4 stout phalanges, adnate to petals in male flower, pistillode present. Fruit a fleshy berry, globose or subglobose, apex rounded, 35–45 mm long, 43–45 mm wide, persistent stigma; fruiting calyx lobes 4, 2–3 mm long.
A tall shrub or small bushy tree. It grows to 6-13 m high and spreads 1-3 m wide. When the tree is damaged it produces a yellow exudate. The small branches are angular. The leaves are 10-16 cm long by 4-5 cm wide and leathery. They are dark green and have short thick leaf stalks. Flushes of new growth are often red. The flower cluster is produced in the axils of leaves. It is branched and stiff. The flowers are about 1 cm across and white. They have a strong scent. There are 4 thick petals. The fruit is a berry 3-3.5 cm across. It is oval, purple and fleshy. Two seed occur in a fruit. The seed are 3 cm by 2 cm. The flesh of the fruit is edible.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality dioecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) 1.0 - 3.0
Mature height (meter) 9.5 - 19.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


It is a tropical plant. It occurs in rainforest. Often it is near streams or on flood plains. They need good drainage. They can grow in full sunlight or partial shade. It will grow in subtropical regions but young plants are sensitive to frost.
Grows in soils derived from granite, metamorphic or silty clay loam, low layered forest with Corymbia polycarpa and Melaleuca nervosa in rainforest, notophyll or mesophyll vineforest.
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


The fruit and timber are utilised in New Guinea (Kerrigan et al. 2011).
The fruit is eaten.
Uses food timber
Edible fruits
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown from seed. The seed needs to be sown fresh.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Garcinia warrenii unspecified picture


Garcinia warrenii world distribution map, present in Australia and Papua New Guinea

Conservation status

Garcinia warrenii threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000694739
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Garcinia warrenii Garcinia kajewskii