Shrubs, scandent, to 5 m, glabrous except for corolla lobes. Branches gray-brown, terete. Petiole 1--1.5 cm; leaf blade ovate, narrowly ovate, or elliptic, 8--16 X 3--8 cm, thinly leathery, base broadly cuneate and sometimes decurrent, apex obtuse to acute, lateral veins 6--8 pairs. Flowers in 3--7-flowered pedunculate cymes, sometimes grouped along axillary branches into conical thyrses; peduncle 2--4 cm. Flowers 4-merous. Pedicel 0.5--2 cm, 2-bracteolate. Sepals orbicular, 1.5--2 mm in diam., ciliate. Corolla yellow to orange, waxy, tube 1--1.5 mm; lobes narrowly ovate, 4--5 mm, thick, fleshy, inside papillose-pubescent. Stamens inserted at base of corolla tube; anthers narrowly oblong, ca. 4 mm, 2-locular, connate. Ovary globose 1--1.5 mm in diam., with 1 ovule per locule. Style and stigma ca. 2 mm; stigma usually 2-parted. Berries 7--8 mm in diam., 1-or 2-seeded. Seeds dull gray, orbicular, ca. 5 mm in diam., smooth. Fl. Mar-Jun.