Succulent, perennial herb. Stem long, leafy, pendulous, rarely branched, up to 1 m long, proliferating from base. Leaves distichous or spirally arranged, green, not spotted or with faint white spots, 30-80 mm long, 10-25 mm wide at base, linear, lorate, recurved, surface asperulous, apex obtuse, mucronate, margins sparingly denticulate, armed with distinct white to green prickles that turn black with age. Inflorescence simple, suberect, 0.1-0.3 m high. Flowers 16-25 mm long, basally distinctly gasteriform for more than half its length, gasteriform portion pink, tube pink or white, occasionally with green striations. Flowering time Aug.-Oct., peak in Sept.
Caulescent succulent with long, nodding leafy stems to 1 m. Leaves distichous, rough, margins sparsely toothed. Flowers in a suberect raceme, nodding, pink or white and green, much inflated below.