Herbs, annual, 15-60 cm tall. Stems becoming somewhat woody at base, procumbent, many branched at base, with above-ground adventitious roots; branchlets sparse, slender. Stipules lanceolate, 3-4 mm, membranous, apically striate, margin long ciliate. Leaves 4-foliolate; petiole 3-4 mm; rachis swollen to shortly winged; leaflets subsessile; leaflet blades obcordate to obovate, 4-7 × 3-4 mm, secondary veins 3-5 on each side of midvein, base cuneate and oblique, apex acute to slightly emarginate and mucronate. Racemes axillary, congested, 1.5-1.6 cm; peduncle ca. 1.2 cm; bracts 6-12, almost orbicular to obliquely reniform, 0.7-1 × ca. 1.5 cm, with yellow setaceous cilia. Calyx 1.2-1.5 mm. Corolla yellow or purple; standard ca. 5 mm wide, creamy outside, with 2 purple-red spots inside near base; wings obovate, small; keels purplish black, small. Ovary linear; style filiform; stigma terminal. Legume oblong, ca. 4 mm, with conspicuous margin, with 1 or 2 articles, apex shortly beaked. Seeds chestnut-brown, reniform, ca. 2 mm in diam. Fl. and fr. May-Jan.