Plants 150-300 mm high. Corm globose, flattened on one side, 5-7 mm diam.; tunics of fine, pale reticulate fibres, sometimes with papery, fragmented layers between, fibres extending upward in a collar. Stem ± erect to inclined, smooth, rarely branched. Leaves (2)3, lowermost basal, longest, second inserted near ground level, sheathing lower part of stem, linear, 2-3 mm wide, margins and main vein much thickened, with 2 narrow grooves on each surface, occasionally sticky with adhering sand, uppermost leaf inserted in middle part of stem, sheathing or with short free apex. Spike flexuose, 1-to 3-flowered; outer bracts ± 10 mm long, reddish above, often with translucent apices, inner shorter and narrower. Flowers actinomorphic, rotate, tepals slightly cupped, blue to violet; perianth tube 5-8(-10) mm long, almost reaching apex of bracts, shortly exserted in old flowers; tepals oblanceolate, 12-18 x 6-8 mm. Filaments erect, equal, 7-10 mm long; anthers 4-5 mm long, yellow. Style dividing beyond anther apices, branches ± 3 mm long. Capsules globose, ± 6 mm long.
Cormous geophyte, 15-30 cm, tunics fibrous. Leaves linear, margins and midribs thickened. Flowers blue to violet, tepals spreading.