Plants 150-300 mm high. Corm ± globose, flattened obliquely below, 6-10 mm diam.; tunics hard, woody, light brown, splitting into vertical sections, drawn into points above. Stem smooth, unbranched. Leaves usually 3, lower 2 basal and longest, ± half as long to as long as stem, ± 2 mm wide, sheaths sticky, with sand adhering, margins and main veins much thickened, with edges ciliate, upper leaf cauline and sheathing in lower half. Spike flexuose, mostly 2-to 4-flowered; bracts becoming dry and membranous near tips, inner shorter and narrower than outer. Flowers actinomorphic, rotate, purple; perianth tube funnel-shaped, 7-8 mm long; tepals ellipsoid, 15-20 x 7-9 mm. Filaments erect, equal, 6-7 mm long; anthers ± 5 mm long, yellow; pollen yellow. Style dividing opposite anther tips, branches 2-3 mm long.
Cormous geophyte, 15-30 cm, tunics woody, concentric. Leaves terete. Flowers violet to purple, tepals spreading.