Plants tiny, 25-40(-80) mm high. Corm narrowly ovoid, asymmetric, with oblique flat side, 35 mm diam.; tunics middle brown, concentric, drawn into bristles above. Stem simple, or up to 3-branched, branches produced from near base, rarely also from aerial node. Leaves (3)4 to 6, usually all basal, or uppermost inserted on lower part of stem, plane, half as long, to slightly longer than stem, 1-2 mm wide, narrowly sword-shaped. Spike 1-or 2(3)-flowered; bracts 4-6 mm long, sometimes red along margins. Flowers actinomorphic, tiny, rotate, white, pale red-brown on outside of outer tepals; perianth tube 1.0-2.5 mm long, nearly cylindric; tepals obovate, 3-6(-8) mm long. Filaments erect, equal, ± 2 mm long; anthers 1.2-1.8 mm long, white; pollen creamy-white. Style dividing at mid-anther level, branches < 1 mm long. Capsules 4-6 mm long, obovoid, usually slightly exceeding bracts.
Cormous geophyte, 5-7 cm, tunics woody, concentric. Leaves linear. Flowers mostly 1 per spike, tiny, white, tepals spreading.