Plants (140-)180-300 mm high. Corm asymmetric, globose, with one side flattened below and extending downward, 6-8 mm diam.; tunics concentric, light brown, fragmenting irregularly, drawn into points above. Stem simple or 1-branched, flexed above sheathing part of leaves. Leaves 3, lower two basal, lowermost longest, ± half as long as stem, sometimes longer, 2-3(-5) mm wide, sticky and with adhering sand, linear, margins and main vein thickened, broadly 2-channelled on each surface, margins and edges of main vein ciliate, second leaf shorter, sheathing stem below, upper leaf inserted in middle of stem, partly to entirely sheathing. Spike flexed at base, flexuose, inclined to horizontal with flowers on upper side, 4-to 10-flowered; bracts 6-9 mm long, margins hyaline, becoming pale and dry above, inner shorter than outer. Flowers actinomorphic, rotate, pale to deep mauve (darker when dry); perianth tube funnel-shaped, 3-4(-6) mm long; tepals elliptic, 0-16 x 6-8 mm. Filaments erect, equal, 4-6 mm long; anthers 3.5-4.5 mm long, yellow; pollen yellow. Style dividing near apex of anthers, branches ± 2.5 mm long.
Cormous geophyte, 18-30 cm, tunics woody, concentric. Leaves linear. Flowers mauve, tepals spreading.