Plants small, (70-)120-300 mm high. Corm globose, evidently asymmetric with a down-pointing ridge on one side, 4-10 mm diam.; tunics light brown, concentric. Stem simple or 1-or 2-branched. Leaves 2 to 4, lower 2 or 3, or all basal, reaching to ± base of spike, lanceolate, erect or falcate, 3-8 mm wide, margins and often sheaths and lower parts of blades softly long-hairy, margins often ciliate, upper leaves smaller, usually mostly sheathing stem, uppermost shortest and often entirely sheathing. Spike (1)2-to 6-flowered; bracts below, brown and dry and spreading in upper half, 5-8 mm long, inner shorter than outer. Flowers actinomorphic, rotate, pale to deep blue or blue-mauve; perianth tube funnel-shaped, 1-2 mm long; tepals elliptic, 7-10 x 3-4 mm. Filaments erect, equal, ± 2 mm long; anthers ± 3 mm long, yellow. Style 4-5 mm long, branches ± 1 mm long. Capsules obovoid to subglobose, 5-7 mm long.
Cormous geophyte, 7-25 cm, tunics woody, concentric. Leaves sword-shaped, slightly villous. Flowers blue to mauve, tepals spreading.