Plants 80-120 mm high. Corm ovoid, ± 8 mm diam.; tunics imbricate, dark brown, fragmenting below into tile-like sections. Stem sparsely short-hairy or sometimes ± smooth in upper 1/3, usually 1-to 3-branched, bearing sheathing scale-like bract up to 10 mm long in upper 1/3. Leaves mostly 3, lower 2 ± prostrate, blades linear, 80-120 x 1.5-2.0 mm, margins and main vein raised into narrow wings held at right angles to blade, wings sparsely ciliate, upper leaf sheathing stem below, free distally. Spike flexed at base and inclined, flexuose, 1-to 3-flowered; bracts unequal, green flushed purple above, margins membranous, outer ± 10 mm long, inner ± 8 mm long, apex entire. Flowers zygomorphic, held at ± 45° from vertical, blue-mauve (turning pale lilac on drying), greenish yellow in tube, upper 3 tepals dark blue-purple at base, filaments and style pale blue; perianth tube funnel-shaped, ± 2 mm long; tepals narrowly ovate, subequal, spreading, 14-16 x 7 mm. Filaments unilateral, declinate, unequal, two longer 10-12 mm long, shorter one 8-9 mm long; anthers 5-8 mm long, pale mauve-pink; pollen pale yellow (brown when dry). Style declinate, lying beneath filaments, dividing opposite anther tips, branches ± 1.5 mm long, extending above anthers.
Cormous geophyte to 12 cm, tunics woody, imbricate, stem sparsely short-hairy. Leaves ± plane, margins and central vein narrowly winged. Flowers in a 1-3-flowered spike, zygomorphic, blue-mauve, upper tepals purple at base, stamens unilateral, declinate, filaments unequal.