Plants slender, 100-300 mm high. Corm globose, 9-12 mm diam., tunics light brown, concentric to ± imbricate (?by distortion), regularly notched below, brittle-membranous to slightly woody, drawn into bristles above. Stem unbranched. Leaves 3, lower 2 basal, terete with 4 narrow longitudinal grooves, straight, reaching to ± middle of spike, second leaf cauline, sheathing stem below, uppermost leaf inserted on middle of stem, entirely sheathing, 15-22 mm long. Spike 1-or 2-flowered; bracts 15-20 mm long, outer pale green with upper margins membranous to dry, inner entirely membranous, 1/2-2/3 as long as outer. Flowers actinomorphic, salver-shaped, white, outside of tube and tepals pale pink to ± purple; perianth tube 40-50 mm long, cylindric throughout; tepals lanceolate, 12-14 x ± 4 mm, inner somewhat larger but shorter than outer. Filaments erect, equal, 2 mm long; anthers 2-3 mm long, white. Style dividing between apex of perianth tube and base of anthers, branches 2.0-2.5 mm long. Capsules ovoid, ± 10 mm long.
Cormous geophyte, 15-30 cm, tunics woody, concentric. Leaves terete, 4-grooved. Flowers 1 or 2 per spike, tubular, white with pink reverse.