Underground part unknown. Stem beset with scale-like leaves. Flowers rather large, with an involucre at the base. Tubular part of the perianth urceolate. Outer perianth lobes free, very small. Inner ones connate at the top to an erect mitre with 3 holes, crowned by 3 apical, long, thick-filiform, erect, clavately swollen appendages. Basal ring of the perianth tube thickened, persistent on the fruit. Throat margin of the perianth thickened to a 6-lobed annulus. Stamens 6, hanging at the annulus; anthers stuck together to a tube. Style short, cylindrical, fleshy, bearing 3 erect stigmas. Ovary with 3 stalked placentas; funicles short. Capsule cup-shaped, crowned by the persistent, basal perianth ring and the style.