Bulbous geophyte, ± 100-250 mm tall, solitary. Leaves ± 5-10, dry at flowering, linear, suberect, coiled towards the apex, shiny green, glabrous, basal sheaths paired, white with maroon spots and fringed margin. Flower salver-shaped, pure white, stigma broadly three-lobed. Fruit fleshy, yellow.
Bulbous geophyte, 10-25 cm. Leaves 5-10, dry at flowering, suberect, linear, coiled towards apex, glabrous, basal sheaths paired, spotted and fringed. Flower with widely spreading tepals, white, stamens 6, style curved sideways, stigma broadly 3-lobed. Berry fleshy, yellow.
Gethyllidi verticillatae affinis, sed dentibus coronae binorum cataphyllorum minus numerosis, inflatis, cavis, praeterea tempore florendi praecociore ditfert.