Shrub to medium-sized tree up to 30 m, 30 cm ø. Bark smooth, light to grey-brown. Young branchlets, petiole, stipules, terminal bud densely set with golden yellow, long, soft, erect hairs. Terminal buds ovoid-conical, 1½-3 by ¼-½ cm; stipules l½-3 by ½ cm. Leaves thick-coriaceous, rigid, ovate-elliptic or rarely elliptic-oblong, (6—)14—18 (-23) by (3-)5-8(-12) cm, index c. 2; base rounded, subcordate or attenuate, unequal-sided; margin entire, rarely distantly serrulate in the upper half; apex rounded, acute to acuminate; except for the midrib and nerves which are densely or sparsely set with long, appressed or erect, soft hairs, glabrous above, densely soft-pubescent beneath; midrib and nerves raised and distinct beneath, flattish or impressed above; nerves (8-) 10—12(— 14) pairs, 10-15 mm spaced, arcuating towards and anastomosing near the margin; reticulation subscalari-form to subareolate, well-spaced, distinct beneath, obscure above; petiole 2-10 by 1-3 mm, terete or flat above near the base. Inflorescences ♂ or ♀, axillary, borne on separate branches, including the bracts densely golden yellow pubescent; bracts ovate-acute, 1-1½ by ½-1 mm. ♂ Inflorescence slender, lax, branched, thyrsoid, up to 8 cm long, bearing up to 100 flowers; ♂ flower l½-2 mm ø, sessile along the axes, in cymoid clusters of 3-10; perianth lobes 1½-2 by 1 mm, densely appressed-hairy outside; filaments 1-1½ mm, anthers ovoid-reniform, c. 1 mm ø; pistillode strongly rudimentary. ♀ Inflorescence (as seen in a very young infructescence) a branched panicle, up to 5 cm, carrying 2-20, sessile or short-stalked flowers; perianth lobes narrow ovate-acute, c. 2 by 1 mm, densely appressed short-hairy outside; ovary (young fruit) ovoid, densely short-, appressed-hairy, c. 3 by 2 mm; stigmatic arms up to 1 cm. Infructescence up to 10 cm long, axes c. 1 mm thick, bearing (2-)5-15(-20) fruits. Drupe ovoid-compressed, densely short-appressed-pubescent, 8-10 by 6-8 by 3-5 mm, short-beaked.