Foliage leaves 6, the lower 2 usually more or less basal and larger than the others, reaching to the base or middle of the spike, 4–5 mm wide, nearly linear, the midrib and margins slightly thickened; upper leaves cauline and progressively shorter above, the uppermost usually entirely sheathing.
Spike 10–18-flowered, inclined from the base; bracts evidently membranous below and dry and brown above at anthesis, 12–16 mm long, the inner about two-thirds as long as the outer.
Style arching over the filaments, dividing between the base and middle of the anthers; style branches 2–3 mm long, never reaching the anther apices.
Filaments c. 10 mm long, exserted 6 mm; anthers c. 5.5 mm long.
Stem simple or with a short branch.
Capsules c. 10 mm long, obovoid.
Plants 55–85 cm high.
Corms unknown.