Flowers white with red to pink speckles and lines, the tube dark-red; perianth tube 18–25 mm long, obliquely infundibuliform, slender below, expanded apically; tepals subequal, 20–25 mm long, the uppermost slightly larger and ascending, the lower curving down and outward.
Cormous herb, up to 1.25 m high. Perianth up to 50 mm long, erect, obliquely funnel-shaped with a narrow tube and erect, somewhat spreading lobes. Leaves glaucous, coriaceous, 18 mm broad with fine close-set nerves. Flowers pale pink, finely speckled and lined with red.
Foliage leaves 6–8, the lower 4–5 basal, reaching to the base or middle of the spike, 12–22 mm wide, broadly to narrowly lanceolate, the margins slightly thickened, the midribs less so, upper leaves smaller than the basal and mostly sheathing.
Spike 20–40-flowered; bracts green at anthesis, soon turning brown, 17–30 mm long, acuminate to setaceous.
Style dividing near the anther apices, style branches c. 2.5 mm long.
Filaments 15–18 mm long, exserted c. 10 mm; anthers c. 7 mm long.
Corms c. 30 mm in diameter; tunics of coarse brown fibres.
Plants 75–120 cm high, usually growing in small clumps.
Stem erect, occasionally 1-branched.
Capsules 1–2 cm long, obovate.