Plants 150-450 mm high. Leaves 5 to 7 (rarely more), usually shorter than stem, margins usually not thickened. Spike 5-to 8-flowered; outer bracts 15-24 mm long, inner shorter. Flowers dull blue-grey, dull purple, or yellow-brown, lower tepals and throat streaked reddish to purplish, limbs usually yellow in lower 1/2 often edged distally with darker colour, often strongly sweet-scented, occasionally unscented; perianth tube 10-13(-15) mm long; tepals spade-shaped, dorsal 28-35 x 10-15 mm, lower 3 tepals united with upper laterals for 3-5 mm and together for 2-6 mm, free parts 15-23 x 6-8 mm, claws 2-3 mm long. Filaments 12-16 mm long, exserted 8-13 mm from tube; anthers 6.5-9.0 mm long. Style dividing shortly below anther apices, branches ± 3-4 mm long. Capsules ovoid and obtuse or ellipsoid and acute, (12-)14-16 mm long.