Plants up to 650 mm high. Corm depressed-globose, 15-30 mm diam.; tunics brittle-papery to cartilaginous, decaying irregularly. Stem inclined above, occasionally with one or two short branches. Leaves 5 to 8, lower 4 or 5 basal with a short pseudostem, ± fan-like above, reaching to between base and apex of spike, narrowly sword-shaped to nearly linear, (4-)6-12 mm wide, margins and main vein moderately thickened, cauline leaves shorter. Spike strongly flexed at base, inclined, ± straight, 9-to 14-flowered; bracts grey-green, usually conspicuously glaucous, (25-)40-80(-120) mm long, 4-5 internodes long, inner ± 1/2 as long, acute. Flowers variously speckled or blotched with red to purple on a white background, unscented; perianth tube obliquely funnel-shaped, 15-18 mm long; tepals narrowly lanceolate, usually acute, sometimes obtuse, dorsal largest, arched to nearly horizontal, 32-35 x 13-15 mm, upper laterals directed forward, curving outward in upper 1/3, 30-34 x 8-12 mm, lower tepals arching downward, laterals 28-30 x 5-8 mm, lower median 30-33 x 8-11 mm. Filaments 7-11 mm long, exserted 2-4 mm from tube but included in lower part of flower; anthers 10-13 mm long; pollen yellow. Style arching over stamens, dividing opposite upper third of anthers, branches 3-4 mm long. Capsules oblong, apices rounded and shallowly 3-lobed, 24-30 mm long, concealed in bracts. Seeds ovate, ± 9.5 x 6 mm, broadly and evenly winged.
Cormous herb, up to 1 m high. Bracts boat-shaped, large, somewhat inflated, equalling or longer than perianth. Perianth porrect with a short tube. Leaves linear, up to 700 mm long. Flowers white, speckled with maroon.