Foliage leaves 4–5, the lower 2 basal, reaching to about the base of the spike, 1–1.5 mm wide, linear, the margins and midrib strongly thickened and raised, thus arching over the surface, edges of the raised parts ciliate to pubescent; the upper leaves cauline and progressively shorter, the uppermost sheathing for half of its length; sheaths, especially of the lower leaves, lightly pubescent, distinctly ribbed when dry.
Spike 4–8(12)-flowered, inclined toward the ground; bracts green to purplish especially above, 10–15 mm long, the inner somewhat shorter than the outer.
Style dividing opposite the lower third of the anthers; style branches c. 2 mm long, entwined with the anthers.
Filaments 12–14 mm long, exserted for 8–9 mm; anthers c. 6 mm long, with an apiculum 0.3–0.5 mm long.
Corms 9–12 mm in diameter; tunics of fine pale netted fibres, sometimes extending upward in a neck.
Stem erect, rarely branched, flexed at or slightly above the middle.
Capsules 12–15 mm long, obovoid.
Plants 20–35 cm high.