Trees (Malesian species), monoecious or dioecious. Indumentum mainly either of solitary hairs or small tufts only. Leaves spirally arranged or partly decussate, unifolio-late or paripinnate, 1-6-jugate, Malesian species without pseudostipules, neither petiole nor rachis winged. Leaflets opposite to alternate, ovate to elliptic (Malesian species), beneath smooth, glabrous or variably hairy; base symmetrical or slightly oblique; margin in Malesian species (sub)entire; nerves looped and joined in the upper part only, veins and veinlets finely reticulate, prominulous at both sides. Inflorescences terminal and usually in the upper leaf-axils, thyrsoid or paniculate with few spreading branches. Flowers actinomorphic, unisexual, if monoecious male and female ones in the same inflorescence. Sepals 4 or 5, connate at base, valvate to narrowly imbricate in bud, spreading during and persistent and recoiled after anthesis, equal, deltoid, not petaloid, outside densely tomen-tose, inside in Malesian species variably tomentose. Petals in Malesian species absent. Disc for the greater part adnate to the base of the calyx, uninterrupted, broad and flat, more or less distinctly lobed, purplish black when dry, glabrous (or variably pubescent). Stamens 4-8 (Malesian species 6 or 7), equal, exserted, glabrous; filaments thread-like; anthers attached at the emarginate base, dehiscence lateral to introrse, Malesian species with broad connective; staminodes short. Pistil sessile, in Malesian species 2-locular; ovary in Malesian species tomentose; style apical, conical, with 2 stigmatic lobes or grooves; ovules 1 per cell; pistillode small, white woolly. Fruit svariable, indehiscent with a thick pericarp and membranous to thin-crustaceous endocarp, wings absent. Seeds with a thin-crustaceous testa, closely adhering to the endocarp, no arillode.
Trees or shrubs or occasionally scandent, monoecious or dioecious. Leaves simple or pinnate; leaflets in 1–6 pairs. Inflorescences terminal and in upper leaf axils, thyrsoid or paniculate with few spreading branches. Flowers regular; sepals 4–5, ± free; petals 5 or lacking; disk entire, broad, lobed. Stamens 4–8. Ovary 2–3-lobed; ovules 1 per locule; style 2–3-lobed. Fruit of 1–3 mericarps. Seeds without arils.