Perennial herb, woody at the base and with a woody taproot; stems solitary in young plants, many from the crown in older, decumbent then erect, 100-450 mm long, simple, pubescent with long acute hairs and sessile glands, leafy. Radical leaves 12-30 x 4-11 mm, oblanceolate, obtuse, base petiole-like, crenate-serrate in upper part, thick textured, hairy mainly on margins, particularly in lower part, sometimes over the main vein as well, rarely all over; cauline leaves sometimes opposite below, bases connate, alternate upwards, 11-40 x 1.54 mm, oblong or elliptic-oblong tapering below, sessile, otherwise as radical leaves. Inflorescences turbinate initially, c. 20-30 mm long, solitary or, in luxuriant specimens, with smaller subsidiary heads in the upper leaf axils, elongating in fruit. Bracts 6-12 x 3-6 mm, broadly elliptic to ovate, obtuse to subacute, membranous, margins entire, they and the backs ciliate with long acute hairs and short-stalked glands, sparsely pubescent inside. Calyx 4-7 mm long, membranous, obscurely bilabiate, lobes 1/3 or less the length of the tuber free to the base anticously, or sometimes shortly connate at base, long cilia on margins and backs, short-stalked glands as well, minutely glandular-puberulous within. Corolla tube 12-16 mm long, 1 mm broad, widening slightly under the limb, creamy; limb bilabiate, 7-8 mm across, lobes narrow, oblong, eventually strongly reflexed, orange to deep brick-red inside, buff outside of sometimes dull violet. Stamens with anthers subequal, posticous pair included, anticous pair exserted. Capsule c. 5-6.5 x 2.5 mm; seeds many, c. 1 x 0.7 mm.
Perennial herb, up to 0.45 m high; woody at base with woody taproot. Stems simple, leafy; pubescent with long acute hairs and sessile glands. Leaves radical; blade oblong or elliptic-oblong, 11-40 x 1.5-4.0 mm, apex, base tapering, margins crenate-serrate with hairs on lower part. Flowers: in turbinate inflorescences, 20-30 mm long, solitary; corolla tube 12-16 mm long, widening slightly under limb, cream-coloured; limb bilabiate with narrow, oblong lobes, strongly reflexed, orange to brick-red inside, outside dull violet; stamens subequal, posticous pair included, anticous pair exserted. Dec.-Mar. Hybridises with G. goseloides.
Perennial herb with woody base, decumbent, then ascending, up to 450 mm long; stems one to many, leafy. Leaves rosulate at base, up to 30 x 11 mm, oblanceolate, obtuse, ± crenate above; cauline ± oblong. Flowers obconical at first, up to 30 mm long, single or with smaller heads in nearby leaf axils, longer in fruit. Calyx: lobes up to 1/3 length of tube, divided to base on anticous side. Corolla: tube up to 16 mm long, cream-coloured; limb bilabiate; lobes oblong but narrow, becoming reflexed, orange to deep brick-red inside, light brown or purplish outside.